About Elena zannini

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So far Elena zannini has created 12 blog entries.

AES Milan 2018 | 144th Convention


AES 2018: 2069 registrants that included professional end-users, personnel from managers facilities and service providers, students, academics, researchers and engineers from all areas of the industry and beyond. We were there with our stand and

AES Milan 2018 | 144th Convention2024-12-15T15:50:01+01:00

Prossimo seminario: EASE | AFMG


Fra pochi giorni apriremo le iscrizioni al prossimo seminario organizzato da Contralto Audio: il corso EASE di livello 1 in lingua italiana (previsto per il mese di settembre). Si tratta di un corso introduttivo rivolto

Prossimo seminario: EASE | AFMG2025-02-13T11:25:18+01:00

Thank You All!


Last week we hold at our Laboratory Merlijn van Veen Seminar 'Calibration & Design Techniques for Modern Sound Systems. PART II'. It was amazing! Thank you Merlijn for bringing your precious expertise and experience

Thank You All!2018-04-11T23:58:01+02:00